Headley Playing Fields Pavilion Consultation

Headley Parish Council (HPC) has been working on a major project to improve the Margery Wheatley Pavilion and the Mill Lane Playing Fields. We have secured funding totalling £975,000 - much of that is from the levy paid by developers known as the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and Section 106 agreements.

Funding secured so far is not sufficient to cover all the required work, and HPC will be applying for top-up funding. If that has not been granted by the time contracts have to be signed with the builders, we need to have an alternative in place and we will be applying to the Public Works Loan Board for a loan. The size of that loan depends on other funds secured but will not exceed £210,000. This Consultation is part of the application process which requires HPC to share the scope of the project and request comment from the local community.

We would appreciate any comments you may wish to make. The source of all comments will remain strictly confidential and only aggregated and summarised conclusions will be made available after the end of the Consultation Period.

Thank you.

Click here for more information about the Pavilion.